The Collins English Dictionary, courtesy of The Free Dictionary, defines a three-ring circus as a "situation of confusion, characterized by a bewildering variety of events or activities." Such is my life, and I imagine the life of anyone with children living at home. I have started this blog to share acts of my personal three ring circus, to find the humor in the crazy times and to express gratitude for my place in this world. To get started, allow me to introduce my circus performers.
The Co-Ringleader - Aaron, my dear husband since 2001 and best friend since we met in 1998, father to our three children. For paying work, he teaches at a major research university and provides network consulting to another university. When not working at a university or wrangling the circus animals, he enjoys running and does a bang up job of maintaining our household.
The Monkey - My eldest child who I also will call C, born in March 2006. Most kids love to climb and move their bodies. Most kids enjoy being funny. C takes movement and humor to the extreme. He loves testing limits of all kinds, and he might make a fantastic lawyer or politician someday given his negotiation attempts. Or perhaps he will join a different kind of circus given his amazing climbing abilities and physical flexibility.
The Tiger - My middle child who I also will call E, born in May 2008. She is beautiful and has the potential for graceful behavior, until you cross her. Then take cover! E is often a mystery to me, just like big cats seem mysterious to me. How are domestic cats related to those enormous animals? Yet the behavior of domestic cats often resembles their wilder cousins. And so it is with E. I wonder how on earth she came from me and then I see her doing or saying something just like I would.
The Goat - My youngest child who I also will call J, born in September 2013. The goat may transform to a more common circus animal as he grows up. For now, he is very pro-food, eating nearly everything we offer and trying to eat many things we don't. He is a mostly mellow observer of the Monkey and Tiger antics, and he usually finds them very entertaining.
As for my own role in the circus, I share the Ringleader title, and I often feel like a tightrope walker. I'm trying to make sure everything happens when and where it is supposed to happen, and I'm walking a very thin line trying to balance all of our needs and wants.
Now on to the show!